31. Festival Brown Ale

5kg Pale ale
200g Fawcett Brown
100g Fawcett Amber
500g Pale wheat
100g Carafa, chocolate dehusked

Mash for 60 min @ 67°C

30g Chinook for 60 min.
20g Cascade for 15 min.
20g Cascade for 1 min.

WYeast 1272 American Ale II
OG: 1.060
FG: 1.011
Primary: 8 days @ 15°C
Secondary: 9 days @ 15°C
Bottled April 22nd

30. Revenge Wheat (fest)

Let’s get back at the catastrophe from yesterday. This time try with a single decoction to avoid having to raise the temperature in the pot while mashing. Unfortunately, the mash got stuck again while sparging, but I managed to get 17L of wort out of it anyway.

2,5kg pale ale malt
2,5kg pale wheat malt

Mash in @ 50°C
Protein rest for 23 min @ 50°C

Single decoction with 15 min rest @ 75°C, boil for 20 min. Decoction was too thin, should have been a bit thicker.

50 min @ 70°C

30g Hallertau 60 min 2.8%
15g Hallertau 5 min 2.8%

OG: 1.058
FG: 1.012
Primary: 6 days @ 20°C
Secondary: 13 days @ 15°C
Bottled: April 22nd

29. Pale wheat

2,5kg pale wheat malt
2,5kg pale ale malt

mash in @ 40°C

And then things went wrong. The filter got stuck almost immediately and on top of it, after trying to unstuck it, too much thrub got below the filter and burnt on the heating element. I tried several times to clean both the filter and the heating element, juggling with 15 liter of hot water with 5kg of malt in it, but to no avail. After over 4 hours the temperature hadn’t risen over 55°C and I gave up.

Next time, try a protein rest at 50°C and a single or double decoction to raise the temperature. Infusion is not going to work with such low temperature, especially not with wheat.

28. Fest ESB

3,5kg Pale Ale
500g Munich Type 2
500g Cara Munich

Mash: 68°C for 75 min.

20g Target 60 min. 10.4%
20g E.K. Goldings 30 min. 5.2%
10g E.K. Goldings 10 min. 5.2%

SafAle S-04
Primary: 12 days @ 20°C
Secondary: 7 days @ 20°C
Bottled April 9th
OG: 1.042
FG: 1.011

27. Fnidder I.P.A.

4,5kg Plsner malt
1kg Munich Type 2
500g CaraMunich
500g wheat malt (pale)

Mash at 67°C for 60 min.

40g Northern Brewer for 90 min.
50g Cascade for 40 min.
40g Fuggles for 10. min
40g Cascade for 10 min.
20G E.K. Goldings @ 21/3

OG: 1.060 (19L)
FG: 1.010

Primary: 6 days @ 22°C
Secondary: 12 days @ 22°C

Bottled April 2nd

26. Fnidder Wheat

1.5kg Pale Ale
1kg Munich Type 2
2.5kg Wheat malt (pale)

Mash: 67C for 60 min.

30g Hallertau 60 min 2.8%
15g Hallertau 5 min 2.8%

WYeast 3638 German Wheat
OG: 1.050
FG: 1.012

Primary: 7 days @ 22°C
Secondary: 14 days @ 22°C

Bottled: April 2nd

25. Dogme Oktoberfest (Fawcett)

5kg Fawcett Munich
1kg Fawcett Maris Otter

Mash @ 67°C for 60 min.

40g Saaz for 90 min.
15g Saaz for 30 min.
10g Saaz for 5 min.

SafLager S-23

Primary 9 days @ 12°C
Secondary 7 days @ 12°C
Bottled March 19th
OG: 1.056
FG: 1.019

24. Fuskerpils

5kg pilsner malt

Mash: 60 min. @ 67°C

10g Northern Brewer @ 90 min.
67g Hallertau @ 90 min.
25g Saaz @ 30 min.
25g Saaz @ 10 min.

10 days @ 9°C
7 days @ 9°C

OG: 1.050
FG: 1.011

Minikegs not carbonated; bottles carbonated with 4g/l corn sugar

23. Dogme Oktoberfest (decoction)

5800g Munich Type 2
1040g Pale Ale

Protein rest 10 min. @ 50°C
– rest 10 min. @ 65°C
– boil 20 min.
Rest 60 min. @ 67°C

40g Saaz for 90 min.
15g Saaz for 30 min.
10g Saaz for 5 min.

SafLager S-23
11 days @ 9°C
6 days @9°C

OG: 1.060
FG: 1.015

22. Dogme Oktoberfest (Weyermann)

5800g Munich Type 2
1040g Pale Ale

Mash @ 67°C for 60 min.

40g Saaz for 90 min.
15g Saaz for 30 min.
10g Saaz for 5 min.

SafLager S-23

7 days @ 9°C
10 days @ 12°C

OG: 1.060
FG: 1.017