Great Tina Dickow concert

I just got home from one of the best Tina Dickow concerts I’ve been to. It’s part of the “Trax coming home” series of DRs P3 (danish national radio) where they let danish artist play in the town they grew up in, so Tina’s concert was at her old school in Ã…byhøj. Her music is kinda quiet and melancholic, so it was really nice to see her with a small audience like this. Sondre Lercke was playing a couple of songs as special guest and, boy, he can play! I’ve seen him once before at a Spot festival and was very impressed. We’re going to see a lot more of him. Highlight of the evening, at least for me, was the Leonard Cohen song “Halleluja”, played as a duet and with danish lyrics for part of the song. Sondre and Tina’s version tonight was even better then the one played two years ago at Spot9 with Steffen Brandt.

Anyway, fot those lucky enough to live in Danmark, the concert will air on Wednesdag at 11pm on P3.

48. Ekstra Speciel Fusk


4kg Pale ale malt
500g Munich type II
500g CaraMunich

Mash for 60 min. @ 68°C

67g Fuggles for 60 min
20g EKG for 30 min
10g EKG for 10 min.

1968 London ESB Ale (WYeast)
OG: 1.043 (11.8 brix)
FG: 1.012

Racked September 25
Bottled: 15/10

Very slow starting fermentation with no visible fermentation until day 3 after brewing.
Oktober 2: 8.9 brix, added S-04 to finish fermentation

47. Morgenfusk

Oatmeal Stout

2,5kg Pale Ale Malt
200g Roasted barley
500g Flaked barley
638g Flaked oats
500g CaraMunich
300g Rauch Malt (Weyermann)
150g CARAFA (dehusked)
100g Black malt

Mash for 60 min. @ 68°C

70g Fuggles for 60 min.

1084 Irish Ale (WYeast)
OG: 1.049 (12.1 brix)

Racked September 18
Bottled September 25

Forgotten pictures from Scotland

Oops! I just found out that I forgot to upload the pictures of the last day of the trip to Scotland. Fortunately, there are not many, only a few of a couple of castles we visited on the way back to the airport in Glasgow. The most famous of those castles is Stirling Castle, also the most touristy. Anyway, here are the last pictures.

IPA sold out

Yesterday, I popped in at the Cockney pub to see how well my Fuskerbryg Festival IPA has been doing during the yearly Festival Week. It couldn’t have been better. It was the most sold beer of all! He could have sold at least 50% more. No wonder Mike wants me to brew more for the next festival, but brewing more than 100 liter is not easy with only a 20 liter system, so let’s see what happens.

Droso – now with blog

It took a while, but finally I succumbed and created a blog. Now let’s see how often and what I’m going to write here :-)


A week ago, I returned from a short trip to Scotland. See the pictures.

43-46. Festuge IPA

Batch 43 :
July 30th
5,5kg Pale ale malt

Mash for 60 min @ 68°C

80g EKG for 90 min.
30g EKG for 5 min.
30g EKG dry hop

12.0 brix

Batch 44 :
July 31st

6,5kg Pale ale malt

Mash for 60 min. @ 68°C

80g EKG for 90 min
30g EKG for 5 min.
30g EKG dry hop

13.5 brix

Batch 45 :
July 31st

6,5kg Pale ale malt

Mash for 60 min. @ 68°C

80g EKG for 90 min.
30g EKG for 5 min.
30g EKG dry hop

13.0 brix

Batch 46
August 2nd

6,5kg Muntons Maris Otter

Mash for 60 min. @ 68°C

80g EKG for 90 min.
30g EKG for 5 min.
30g EKG dry hop

13.5 brix

42. Dobbel fusk

Belgian dubbel style

4kg Pale Ale malt
1110g Cara-Hell
550g Cara-Munich
200g Cara-Aroma

mash for 60 min. @ 70°C ph 5.3
Sparge water pH 5.36

60g Styrian Goldings for 60 min.
20g Styrian Goldings for 15 min.
20g Styrian Goldings for 5 min.

WYeast 3538 Leuven Pale Ale

OG: 1.057 – 13.9 brix
FG: 1.022 – 8.9 brix

Racked July 30th
Bottled: August 7th

41. Sommerhvede

2,5kg Pale Ale Malt
2,5kg Wheat Malt (light)

Mash for 60 min. @ 68°C

30g Hallertau for 60 min.
15g Hallertau for 5 min.

OG: 1.047 – 11.8 brix
FG: 5.3 brix
Temp: 20-23°C

WYeast 3068 Weihenstephan Weizen Yeast

Bottled July 25th w/ 100g corn sugar