Bienvenue à Montréal

One keeps wondering what goes on in the heads of plane designers. After the trip to Uganda on a Boeing 777 with half my (non-existent) legspace taken by a big metal box for the onboard entertainmaint system, which I must admit was pretty nifty with several hundred movies on-demand, this time I had the same box on an MD-11, but without an entertainment system. I just heard that KLM is doing a trail where you can pay extra for extra legspace even in monkey class, that is emergency exits, etc., I wonder if they are going to give rebates for taking away legspace? But now I know to as for an F seat on my way back, no matter what type of plane.

After an otherwise uneventful flight and only an extra grilling at the canadian customs as travelling alone and not on business obviously is suspect a.k.a. terrorist, I was lucky to be looking out the right window of the bus as it drove past my hotel and turned into the parking lot behind the hotel where the busstation is located. That was too easy! The price: having Greyhound busses idling outside my window at all hours of the day. But then, with the 6 hour time difference, I was so tired they probably could have detonated a nuclear bomb outside without me noticing.

Next up: finding my camera and doing some sightseeing. Oh, and finishing my slides.

76. Dry stout

Dry stout

2,5kg Maris Otter
400g Flaked barley
428g Roasted barley

2ml lactic acid in mash, pH 5,4, 6ml in sparge water
mash for 60 min. @ 67°C

50g East Kent Goldings (5.6%) for 60 min.

WLP004 Irish Ale Yeast with 1 tsp nitrivit + 1 tsp nutrisal

OG: 8,8 brix (1.035)
FG: 5,2 brix (1.011)

Bottled 24/6 with 100g dextrose

75: Fuskerhvede

2,5kg pilsner malt (Dragsbæk)
2,5kg light wheat malt (Weyermann)

30g Tettnang 3,8% 60 min.
15g Tettnag 5 min.

WLP 380 Hefeweizen IV

Mash schedule:
mash in @ 53°C and rest for 20 min.
30 min @ 60°C
30 min @ 68°C
mash out @ 76°C

4ml lactic acid in mash
6ml lactic acid in sparge water

OG: 11,6 brix (1.047)
FG: 5,8 brix (1.008)

bottled 5/6 with 300g glucose

Two new committers: Tong LIU and Marcelo Araujo

Another day, another two committers. I’m happy to see another committer with an interest in java, we could use some help there. So please welcome Tong LIU, with Xin LI as his mentor. Marcelo Araujo made the classic mistake of sending too many PRs with updates and fixes, and will now have to do his work himself, with Stanislav Sedov as a mentor.

A warm welcome to both!

74. Fall alt

BYO October 2005 pg. 35

3,2kg Munich type II
1,6kg Vienna
230g Melanoid malt

Single step mash 60 min 66-69°C
ph 5,67, no adjustment
6ml lactic acid in sparge water

40g Hallertau 2,8% alpha 60 min.
22g Tettnang 3,8% alpha 60 min.
14g Saaz 15 min.
7g Tettnang 15 min.

WLP011 European Ale

OG: 11,7 brix (1.047)
FG: 6,2 brix (1.010)
Bucket 2
Bottled 7/5-07 with 78g glucose

New Committer: Edward Tomasz Napierala

Please welcome Edward Tomasz Napierala to the ranks of the ports committers, as happened so many times before, he sent too many PRs and is duely being punished. Why do people never learn? Good luck!

73. American wheat beer

BYO jul/aug 2005 pg. 34

1,7kg pale wheat malt
300g unmalted wheat
2,2kg pale malt

mash in @ 53°C
rest for 20 min.
30 min @ 60°C
30 min @ 68°C
mash out @ 76°C

pH 5,7 after 4,0 ml lactic acid to the mash
pH 5,7 after 6,0 ml lactic acid to the sparge water

17g Perle for 70 min. 4,5% alpha
15g Liberty for 30 min. 6,1% alpha
16g Liberty for 0 min.

WLP008 East Coast Ale

OG: 11,2 brix (1.045)
FG: 6,0 brix (1.011)
Bottled 4/5-07 with 188g corn sugar


One of the best things about vacation is being offline. However, after almost 3 weeks it does take some time to catch up with everything. So at last, but not the least, here’s what we did in those weeks.
After an uneventful nightflight via Amsterdam and Nairobi, Kenya, we arrived in Entebbe in the morning, where our guide Gerald already was waiting for us with a big Land Cruiser. Before setting off to the capital Kampala, Gerald took us to Entebbe Zoo and a lakeside lunch. A relaxing start of the vacation, after the rush of airports and planes.
The next day, we were scheduled for a trip to Ngamba Chimp Island, but as we were the only ones going that day, the boat would be too expensive. So, we changed this with the rafting trip scheduled lateron. I’ll leave it up to the reader to figure out what happens if you in little over a day go from snow in Denmark to a day in the sun in a rubberboat on the river Nile.
The rafting was a great experience. Some interesting rappids, of course going overboard almost every time, and some long stretches of relaxingly drifting, or swimming, down the Nile.
Early morning, we set off from Kampala to start our safari which would bring us through most of the national parks of south-west Uganda. First off, Kibale National Park. Kibale is a dense rainforest known for its primates, such as baboons, black-and-white colobus, red-tail monkey, and chimpanzees, which was the destination of a walk the next morning. The usual accomodation throughout Uganda is a banda, which can take many forms from a stone house to a tree hut. The one in Kibale was quite luxurious, even with hot water supplied by using two old oil-drums and a small fire underneat, to the right in the picture.
The next couple of days, we spent in Queen Elizabeth National Park, the largest national park of Uganda and also the most diverse, with both rainforst and savanah and everything inbetween. My camera didn’t have enough space, nor I enough time, to take pictures of all the bird species there, but the most impressive must have been the african fish eagle and the most numerous, the weaver birds, which litterally weave their nests in trees, like the black-headed weaver and the yellow-backed weaver. It is impossible to avoid the wildlife in the park. Just sitting on the porch of our banda, we had frequent visits from a family of warthog, mongoose, hippo (bad picture as it only comes out of the water at night), and even a waterbuck dropped by one day.
To see some of the other big mammals, a bit more work was required, so we went on a game drive for elephant, buffalo, a hyena chasing a kob, and even some lions put up a show for us in the rain. A boatride on the channel between Lake Albert and Lake Edward, showed even more birds, hippo, crocodile, and much, much more. Another trip brought us to Kyambura gorge, which is a big gap in the savanah in which a rainforest grows. We had a very nice walk along the river, but the chimps did not feel like meeting us this time. Last stop was the bat cave in Maramagambo forst, which of course was inhabited by bats, lots of bats.
Going further south, we stopped at Ishasha Camp, on the eastern bank of Ishasha River looking out on the D.R. Congo, to try and find tree climbing lions, but to no avail. In the evening, we arrived in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park, one of the few spots in the world where wild gorilla populations remain. In the early morning, we set off on foot up the hill to find the M-group of habituated gorillas. After about 2,5 hours of walking, we did find them and spent an hour watching them. Most of the group was hidden in the bushes, only revealed by the moving branches, but we did get a good, long look at the big silverback male.
With almost all of our safari behind us, we set off north-east towards Kampala spending the night about halfway at Lake Mburo National Park. It looked like most tourists skip this park, and drive to and from Kampala and Bwindi in one day, which is a very long trip and they do miss this overlooked attraction. Arriving in the afternoon gave us plenty of time to relax at the lakeside restaurant and watch the vervet monkeys, pied kingfisher, and the ever-present warthog. Before setting off for a tour on the lake, the rangers put up a nice show to answer one of the big questions in life: How many parkrangers does it take to put a boat in the water? :-)
Now, the only thing left was driving back to Kampala, and say goodbye to all the wonderful national parks. avoiding some livestock and stopping at the equator.
After a night in Kampala, we drove back to Entebbe for a few hours on Ngamba Chimp Island. If I’d had to name one disappointment of the whole trip, this was it. Especially after seeing chimpanzees in the wild, having to endure a very uncomforable speedboat trip, twice, to view them in captivity does take away the thrill. Also, I had a hard time fighting off the irony while having to sit through a half hour sermon on conservation, while being ferried to and from the island with a poluting speedboat destroying flora and fauna in the lake. The chimps, of course, knew exactly when feeding time was, and put up a nice show.
After Gerald took us to the ferry to Kalanga on Buggala Island, one of the Ssese islands in Lake Victory, it was time to say goodbye. A very big thanks to Winnie and Jaynefer of Great Lakes Safaris for putting together such a great trip, and even more thanks to Gerald, not only for being such a great guide and driver, on the sometimes, ehm, interesting roads, and taking so good care of us, but also for his interesting coversations about life in Uganda. Thank you all!
The last three days of our vacation just flew by. Finally some time to relax and do absolutely nothing, nothing at all. OK, I admit. One day I did go for a swin in the lake. Hornbill Camp is probably also the perfect place to do nothing, as there is nothing to do, except read a book in a hammock, go for a swim, and talk about life in Uganda experienced by mzungu, offering a view behind the scenes of major relief organisations as the UN, MSF (Doctors Without Borders), etc., which is not quite the same story as the one you read in the newspapers.
All that is left, is to say goodbye to Hornbill Camp, and to an airport filled with indian UN soldiers on the way back to India after a tour in the D.R. Congo, and to Uganda. Until we meet again!

72. Patrick Henry Pale Ale

BYO March 2006 pg. 35

4,84kg maris otter
220g Crystal (40°L)
57g Crystal (60°L)
3,5g Carafa II special

3ml lactic acid in mash, ph ~5.0
6ml lactic acid in sparge water

17g Chinook 60 min
7,8g Simcoe 60 min
25g Amarillo 15 min
17g Cascade 0 min
7g Amarillo 0 min

WLP001 Californian Ale
OG: 10,8 brix (1.043)
FG: 5,5 brix (1.009)

Bottled 29/4 with 89g glucose in ~200ml of boiled water
Note: not racked to secondary

New ports committers: Li-Wen Hsu and Martin Matuska

It’s always nice to save some of the good things in life, so it adds up. Two more people have made it to the ranks of the ports committers in the last few weeks. Li-Wen Hsu, mentored by clsung, and Martin Matuska, mentored by garga, have both received the usual punishment after sending too many PRs. Welcome aboard to you both!