Vietnam 01: Ho Chi Minh City

Time for the for the spam broadcast again. This time from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. After a long, but quite uneventful flight we arrived here yesterday morning. Nor any problems with emigration and there was a taxi waiting for us at the airport, so finding the hotel wasn’t any problem either. So far, so good, but nothing to report. After a quick shower at the hotel, Fin came to pick us up for some lunch. The soup is very good here (I also had some for breakfast this morning, I’m going to to miss that when I get home). After that we went for a walk in the city center. If was fine just following Fin, after getting up at 4am to catch the first plane and then “sleeping” on the plane, all I could manage was hobbling behind our local guide and being sure that he could find the way back to the hotel, because I had no idea where we went ;-) Looking at a map this morning and walking around a bit on our own, I’m sure we’ll get the hang of it just before we leave the city again. Traffic is manageable in HCMC, although we haven’t tried rush hour yet. The city is overcrowded with the few millons of motorbikes, but crossing the road is easy. Just jump in front and they usually try to avoid hitting you. Your mileage may very ;) Nothing much to report on the local beer either. Of course, if you really want and look for it, Heineken and Carlsberg is available, if you want to pay extra. Local beer uses rice additions, but it’s cheap and refreshing in this weather. Anyway, time for some more walking, hopefully we can find our way to the botanical gardens and Saigon River. Oh, and a cold Saigon beer or two.

Off to Vietnam

Only a few hours left and it’s off to Vietnam for the next 3 weeks. First stop will be Ho Chi Minh City to visit Fin, who is working there for half a year. After a few days there, we’ll travel all the way up to Hanoi over the next 2 weeks or so. For those of you who can read dutch, here is the tour description. Have fun without me! I know I will ;)

LinuxForum 2006

This years LinuxForum is over again. Lots of people I hadn’t seen for a while where there, so lots of saying hi. Henning Brauers talk makes OpenBGPD look very interesting, I should have a better look at that some day. Christians pictures, note Erwin and Dustpuppy at our AaUUG stand.

It was also a long time since I last saw Morgan, after he moved to Malmö, so it was about time to visit him. more pictures.


Just a short post to let you all know that I’m still alive after a weekend of sleeping on a concrete flour in a room filled with debian people. I must admit that Philip was right, the FOSDEM conference in Brussels, Belgium, is great fun to be at, even though I didn’t manage to see many sessions. Daniel Seuffert managed to part with many, many FreeBSD flyver and even more installation CDs to spread the word.

And an especially big thanks to Philip for organizing another pre-FOSDEM beer event. For those that can’t wait for the censorship, the filtered pictures are up.

55. Lagunitas Cappuccino Stout clone

4,6kg Pale malt
800g Dark wheat malt (15 EBC)
590g Crystal malt (135 EBC)
300g CARAFA dehusked (type II) (1200 EBC)
100g Black malt (1200 EBC)
360g corn sugar

Mash at 68°C for 60 minutes. Mash pH adjusted with 2ml lactic acid (pH 5.2). Sparge water adjusted with 6ml lactic acid.

40g Horizon 12.2% for 60 min
5g Styrian Golding 5.0% for 30 min
15g Cascade 4.0% for 30 min
28g Styrian Golding 5.0% for 0 min.
28g Cascade 4.0% for 0 min.
5g Styrian Goldings dry hop
5g Cascade dry hop

White Labs WLP001 California Ale

February 5: racked and added 90g brewed coffee
February 11: dry hopped
February 19: bottled with 100g dextrose

New ports committer: Colin Percival

New committer for ports, but a well known face in src and even more for his work on Security Officer, please give him a warm hand and welcome him to ports as well. Good luck, Colin!

bsnmpd HOST-RESOURCES-MIB for RELENG_6 and amd64

Although, it most definately is winter in the nothern hemisphere, some of the Summer of Code projects are still producing valuable code. Today, harti committed code from Victor Crucerus project that converted the host-resources-mib from using libdisk to libgeom, which was also keeping it from working on the amd64 architecture. So I upgraded simons amd64 box, which also runs a ports tinderbox to todays -CURRENT to test this. It works out-of-the-box, so I reverted the patch that prevented hostres from building by default on amd64. But more importantly, we now have graphs of CPU and memory usage of the tinderbox :)

I also tested if the code worked on RELENG_6. Here I found a problem with the geom module that was renamed from g_md to geom_md, but this should be an easy fix. If the module was loaded by hand, the code just works like a charm.

New ports committer: Vasil Dimov

Vasil Dimov just walked intot the big FreeBSD cvs trap by sending too many high-quality patches on ports as well as ports infrastructure and the porters handbook. Garga is therefore punishing him in the usual way with a commit bit. Good luck to both!

Happy New Year!

Godt nytår!
Gelukkig nieuwjaar!
Ein gutes neues Jahr!
Bonne année!
Feliz año nuevo!
Chúc Mừng Nǎm Mới!
честита нова година!

54. Wit fusk

2500g Pilsner malt
2000g Wheat malt
150g unmalted wheat

Mash for 60 min @ 69°C

60g Saaz 3% for 60 min
15g Saaz 3% for 5 min
10g koriander for 5 min
10g orange peel for 5 min

WYeast 3944 Belgian White
OG: 12.7 brix (1.051)
FG: 6.8 brix (1.012)

Racked: January 8
Bottled: January 28