The so-called heat wave the last few weeks here in Denmark, with nice comfortable temperatures of just below 30°C, has caused another couple of victems. Last Saturday, I noticed a disk began to log errors and files started to disappear. I quickly remounted the drive as read-only to save as much of the data I could and bought a new disk, which I got yesterday. After I pulled down the box from its hidingplace, it turned out it was too hot to handle. Not a good sign. It turned out that the PSU fan had stopped working and the box was completely overheated. Luckily only one disk had failed. And luck was on my side, as I have another, almost similar, computer that I almost never use. So I pulled out the PSU and replaced it and added the new disk to try to recover as much of the data of the broken disk. The result is not pretty but it works™.
61. Dampfbier
BYO jul-aug 2006 pg. 19
3,1kg Danish pilsner malt
1,4kg Munich Type II
Mash for 1 hour at 70,8°C
Boil for 1 hour
50g Hallertau 2,8% alpha for 45 min.
25g Hallertau 2,8% alpha for 0 min.
WYeast 3068
OG: 12.2 brix (1.049)
FG: 7.0 brix (1.014)
Racked: August 8
Bottled: August 20
The filter in the bottom of the kettle came off during cooling. Fixing this let to at least 30 min. longer for the hops to remain in the hot liquid and quite some oxidation as well.
Pointyhat busy
After some time of looking around on pointyhat and uploading finished packages, it’s time to get my hands dirty and do some real runs. Mark Linimon, who has been running the last couple of runs and sending out the famous “krismails” (emails informing the maintainer/submitter/committer that a port doesn’t work on some combination of architecture and branch), also created some nice scripts that will help analyze the results. Especially the packagestats page is going to be very helpful.
Yesterday, I started the i386-7 build to compare the builds logs to i386-6 and see if any of the work done in -CURRENT has broken any 3rd party software lately. Gabor also finished one of the major parts of his Summer of Code project and sent a patch for DESTDIR support.
This will be tested on 6-exp with DESTDIR unset. This should be a NOOP, but as this is quite an
intrusive change, it does require thorough testing, especially because there might be some edge cases noone would think about. The next step will be another -exp run with DESTDIR set to e.g. /opt. This will probably break a number of ports that try to outsmart the ports infrastructure, and they will need to be fixed individually. We’ll know more in a couple of days when the pointyhat cluster has finished building the ports.
New ports committer: Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez
If I’m not mistaken, we have gotten our first peruvian committer. Please welcome Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez to the ranks of the ports committers!
Grøn Koncert
It’s July, the grass is green, the sky is blue and it’s time for Grøn Koncert. Although it is still held at the same time of the year, it seems this year it is time to break up with some good old traditions. This year, it will be on a Saturday while it always was on Sunday in Århus before. Also, Thomas Helmig will be closing this years festival, an honour that has always been alternating between TV2 and D.A.D. The good thing is, I will be home early ;)
New patch set
While we’re still waiting for to compile in the last run, linimon compiled the next set of patches for testing on pointyhat. This will also include the first results of the Summer of Code project on the ports infrastructure. The following patches are scheduled for testing:
89398: [PATCH] and patches
92445: current-us [patch] change all bogus uses of BROKEN to IGNORE
93601: new feature: make missing
98105: new feature: IA32_BINARY_PORT macro
98206: – whitespace and CHECKSUM_ALGO fix
98565: Add PKGVERSION to
98731: add to Mk/
98891: Fix DESKTOP_ENTRIES processing on 4.x
99370: USE_LDCONFIG fails installation for non-default prefix
59. Belgian ale
Belgian ale
4100g pale malt
112g cara-munich
112g brown malt
Mash @70°C for 60 min.
Add 500g dark candi sugar at the start of boil
28g Styrian goldings for 60 min.
10g Hallertau for 60 min.
10g Saaz for 15 min.
White Labs WLP530 Abbey Ale
OG: 12.8 brix (1.052)
FG: 7.7 brix (1.011)
Racked: 2/7
Bottled: 22/7
with 150g glucose
New ports committer: Rong-En Fan
It seems to be a good month for new committers and hopefully they’ll spend they whole summer on our dear ports. Today I’m happy to hand Rong-En Fan a commit bit with Xin Li as his mentor. Yet another one for our perl team. Welcome!
Symposium at Træmuseet (wood museum)
Every second year, the museum for woodwork (Træmuseet – Museum for træbearbejdning) aranges a symposium with international sculptors who create a sculpture on the spot within one week. I went to have a look on how it was going yesterday, and as always when I go to visit Fins parents, they have some work for me to do. This time, they would like to see some pictures from the symposium on the site of the museum (danish – click “billeder” on the front page), so Fin took some pictures and small videos which I put on the site today. Go and have a look.