11. American I.P.A.

Pictures of the first mini-keg.

5 kg. Pale Ale malt EBC 5,5 – 7,5
500 gr. Cara-hell EBC 20 – 30
500 gr. Cara amber EBC 60 – 80
Mash for 90 min. at 68°C and 10 min. up to 76°C

Northern Brewer 6,6% 50 gr. 90 min.
Northern Brewer 6,6% 20 gr. 30 min.
Northern Brewer 6,6% 20 gr. 15 min.
Northern Brewer 6,6% 10 gr. 5 min.
Yeast: Safale US-56
Temperature: 22°C
OG: 1.060
Volume: 20L
September 12
Racked to another fermenter. Light coloured and easy taste with bitter, hoppy aftertaste.

Temperature: 22°C
FG: 1.011
September 25
Add 100g corn sugar, fill 3 mini-kegs, add 25g corn sugar and fill 10 0,5L and 3 0,33L bottles.

10. Dark Belgian Ale

4 kg. Pale Ale malt EBC 5,5 – 7,5
1500 gr. Cara-hell EBC 20 – 30
550 gr. Cara Munich EBC 80 – 100
200 gr. Cara Aroma EBC 300 – 400
Mash for 30 min. at 50°C and 90 min. up to 65°C

Styrian Golding 3,6% 60 gr. 60 min.
Styrian Golding 3,6% 20 gr. 15 min.
Styrian Golding 3,6% 20 gr. 5 min.
Yeast: Wyeast 1762 Belgian Abbey
Temperature: 20°C
OG: 1.044
Volume: 23L
Saturday September 4th
Racked to another fermenter

FG: 1.005
Temperature: 22°C
September 25
Racked to another fermenter (FG: 1.000) and added 500g Muntons Dark Spraymalt (EBC 10%; OG: 1.010).

October 16
Bottled with 200g corn sugar. Temp. 18°C and FG: 1.008.

9. I.P.A.

5 kg. Pale Ale malt EBC 5,5 – 7,5
500 gr. Cara-hell EBC 20 – 30
400 gr. Cara Munich EBC 80 – 100
Mash for 90 min. at 66°C and 10 min. at 76°C

Challenger 7% 50 gr. 90 min.
Challenger 7% 35 gr. 30 min.
Challenger 7% 20 gr. 15 min.
Challenger 7% 10 gr. 5 min.
Yeast: DCL Safale S-04 dried yeast (top fermention)
Temperature: 20°C
OG: 1.069
Volume: 19L
Sunday July 4th
Racked to another fermenter:

Temperature: 20°C
FG: 1.011
Tuesday July 20th
Bottled (pictures)

Temperature: 20°C
FG: 1.012
12x 0,50L plastic bottles
2x 0,25L blue glass bottles
9x 0,50L Grolsch
7x 0,50L
14x 0,33L

8. Hefe Weize

Based on “Min første Hefe-weizen” from Brygladen.

4 kg. liquid Weyermann Hefe-weizen extract
30 gram Hallertau Hersbrücker hops
Wyeast 3068 Weihenstephaner
Started the yeast on Thursday (June 3rd). Found out that the packet had ruptured on Saturday morning, so started a new starter on a bit of extract in 1 liter of boiled water with a handful of hops.

Sunday June 6th
Bring 15 liters of water to boil and add the extract. Add the hops when the water boils and leave boiling for 1 hour. Cool to below 30°C and add the yeast. Pour into fermenter.

Temperature: 27°C
OG: 1.050
Sunday June 13th
Racked to another fermenter. (Pictures).

Temperature: 20°C
FG: 1.027
Heavy banana taste
Sunday June 27th

7x 0,33L
8x 0,45L
21x 0,50L
7x 0,75L
Temperature: 20°C
FG: 1.007
Less heavy banana taste, though still pronounced.

7. Oktoberfest

20040523: Märzen (Oktoberfest)

Based on Dan Temple’s Mad March Hare

My first all-grain, so let’s see how this goes.

Munich Malt Type 2 (20-25 EBC, Weyermann): 5kg
Pale Ale Malt: 1kg

20 L at 67 C for 65 min.

Sparkle with 5 L at 75 C (Note: more sparkle water next time)

Saaz 3% alpha: 60 gr for 90 min.
Saaz 3% alpha: 20 gr for 60 min. (*)
Saaz 3% alpha: 20 gr for 5 min.

) I found out there is a temperature dependend fuse int he power chord I was using which turned itself off which made the temperature drop to 65 C. I therefore gave it 30 min. extra,
although the worth made it to cooking temperature after.

DCL S-04 Dried Ale Yeast.
Filled fermentor to 23L with tap water.
Temperature 22 C
OG: 1.050

Bottled, added 100g sugar:
5x Coopers plastic 0.75L
13x Grolsch 0.45L
1x Hancock 0.75L
19x 0,33L

6. Brupacks Best Bitter


Extract hops and malt from the Brubags[tm] by adding boiling 1,5 L
and leave for approx. 20 min three times.

Add spray malt and 1,2 kg normal sugar and fill up to 23 L.
Temperature 26C, so leave to cool before adding the yeast.
OG: 1039
20:45: Yeast added at 22C

FG: 1009
Lot of yeast in the bottom. Rack to secondary fermentor.

FG: 1004
Bottled with 100g corn sugar after racking to 3. fermentor
19x 0.33
28x 0.50
2x 0.75

5. Geordie Mild

Can of Geordie Mild: Sep 05 – 363 xb12984 3267
1 kg normal sugar
OG: 1.038
Temperature: 20C

Temperature has been about 22C most of the time.
FG: 1.012

Temperature: 20C
FG: 1.012

Temperature: 20C
FG: 1.004
Bottled: 14 Grolsch 0,45
3 Coopers 0,75
3 Hancock 0,75
8 0,5
12 0,33
Primed with corn sugar, approx. 8g/L

4. Coopers Classic Old Dark Ale

Coopers Old Dark Extract
– 14pm: Sanitise in normal household bleach
– 14:10 Start a yeast starter
– 15:00 Mix extract, 1 kg white suger
– 15:30 Mix finished: OG 1.043, temp: 26C

– 8:45: Temperature fallen to 22C

– 13:00 Temperature 21C
FG: 1.005

– 19:00 Moved to kitchen to let yeast fall back
to the bottom before bottling.
Temperature 21C

– 14:00 FG 1.004
Added 180g corn sugar in approx. 1L of handluke water
and slowly stirred.
29 0.33 bottles
16 0.45 Grolsch bottles
6 0.75 Coopers plastic bottles

Taste is good, quite smooth and just a slight touch of yeast. The three week fermentation, leaving more time for secondary fermentation, is definately a good idea.

3. Youngs Harvest Bitter

Youngs Harvest Bitter Extract, best before aug 05
– 11:00 Santise in normal household bleach
– 11:50 Start a yeast starter
– 12:00 Already a lot of activity in the yeast starter
Mix extract with 1kg of white sugar
OG: 1030
Temperature: 27 C
– 23:59 Temperature: 24 C

– 12:30 Temperature: 22 C
gravity 1014

– 11:00 Temperature: 21 C
Gravity 1008

Added 110g corn sugar in approx. half a liter of boiled water.
Slowly stir and left for 30 min.
30x 0,33L
4x 0,5L Urquell (green)
6x 0,75L Coopers plastic
1x 0,45L Grolsch

2. Coopers Stout

20040118: Coopers Stout


Coopers Stout Extract, best before 18.07.05
– 14pm: Sanitise in normal household bleach
– 15:10 Start a yeast starter
– 16:00 Mix extract, 3/4 kg white suger, 1/4 kg brown sugar
– 16:30 Mix finished: OG 1.040, temp: 24C

– 16:00 Temperature has been stable the last few day
around 23C.
No bubbles in the airlock, but a lot of froth on top looking throught the airlock

– 10:00 Temperature has been going down for the last two weeks until a little over 20 today.
FG: 1011
1 Christoffel 2L
22 danish bottles .33L
6 dutch bottles .30L
3 Hancock .75L
8 Coopers .75L
7 misc. english .5L

The dutch bottle were primed with the last of the Coopers pills, the other bottles with approx. 1 teaspoon (6g) per .75L (very approx. for the smaller bottles) of Corn sugar (HopShop)
A lot of foam while bottling, small bubbles typical for a stout-like beer.

– 12:30 Moved from office to storage. Office was approx. 22 C.