OpenFest 2006 over and out

The last two days I attended the bulgarian gathering of open sourcerers, OpenFest, in Sofia. Set in an old-style building in the city center, it was nice walking around between the bulgarian open source, and especially the BSD, crowd. Unfortunately, I was one of two non-bulgarians, so most of the talks were in bulgarian and I didn’t attend many. I had the doubtful honour of opening the BSD track of the conference at the ungodly hour of 11am, but people seemed happy with my talk anyway. A big thanks to the organizers for having me around, and hopefully they can attract some more foreigners next year and more talks in english.

OpenFest and EuroBSDCon

It’s time for the yearly conferences again. In less then 24 hours, I’ll be on my way to OpenFest which will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria. I’m still not quite sure what happened, but Peter Pentchev somehow talked me into talking a bit about OSS project management – People, Teams, Roles, Hats from a portmgr viewpoint.

Next week it will be on to Milan, Italy, for EuroBSDCon. Both Mark Linimon and me will be there as portmgr members, so I guess one of us will have to sing and dance a bit at the devsummit, but after that I can just sit back and enjoy the ride, or talks in this case.

Ports tree thawed

As most people will already have noticed, the ports tree is no longer frozen. This has led to an enormous flood of build up fury and several hundreds of updates have already gone into the tree within one day. However, until the release is out, the tree is not completely open for any commit, so called ports slush. Sweeping changes (see definition) are not allowed until after 6.2 release is out the door.

Ports will stay frozen for a few more days

The ports tree will remain frozen for a few more days to fix some last minute errors that have popped up. Please bear with us and have some more patience.

Ports freeze extended to October 24th

To fix some more fallout from the GNOME import and as there will be an
extra BETA release as well, portmgr has decided to extend the ports
freeze by one week. This puts the start of the ports thaw at October

So far, a lot of fixes have been committed to ports that were broken
before and therefore not included in the release. Keep it up!

All hail xsltproc!

My site and also have for a long time beer running AxKit. AxKit turned into a major burden to keep running and when I changed from apache 1.3.x to 2.0.x, I even had to make pass it through mod_proxy to an apache 1.3.x that was running after that to keep it alive. I couldn’t get it to work with mod_perl2. After I had to reinstall koala, I didn’t want to install AxKit again. The original plan was to have a look at mod_xslt, but that was also only for apache 1.3.x, so not an option. The Brix recommended xsltproc from ports/textproc/libxslt. WOW! It just worked! Not one line of the XML or XSL stylesheet needed changing, it just worked. A quick 20 line Makefile to ease installing all the files in the right places, and now I can still edit my XML and just upload plain HTML files to the webserver. No overhead of running additional modules in apache. Nothing. It just works.

koala is dead! Long live koala!

For the third time in its lifetime, koala burned down its CPU fan with the usual consequences. Fortunately, I already had been given some new hardware to reinstall to, but you know how it goes, postpone, postpone, rinse, repeat. Well, no more postponing now. After a long day yesterday and some fixes today, it looks like I got most of it working again. And of course, bigger, better, faster, more! Quite nice new hardware, dual Xeon 2.8Ghz, 3Gb RAM and 5x36Gb SCA RAID5 disks. Let’s hope this one is more stable than the old one. To say the least, I did test that the backup is working…

Apple harvest

Last Saturday, we went out to a collegue to harvest some apples to make cider. We picked a very nice danish autumn day and the fresh air probably did us good. The neighbours cows were very inquisitive, but quickly made run for it when someone suddenly popped up from behind a tree :)
We collected about 100kg apples from several trees and pressed 2/3 them, which gave about 30 liters of juice. Some pictures here. Now it’s just some patience for the yeast to do its job.

What to do during the freeze

To quote the words of Kris Kennaway:

” Hi all,

Some of you might be feeling bored during the freeze, so please
consider checking out:

and working on some of the ~200 port failures listed there. Some of
them have been fixed since these builds, but many of them have been
broken for months but require only trivial fixes.


Dry mead I

2,5 kg honey
7L tap water

Steinberger yeast
OG: 20,0 brix (1.083)

Racked: 29/10
Racked again: 19/11 – gravity: 8,3 brix