Two new committers: Juergen Lock and Dryice Liu

Just in time to have their commit bits gift wrapped for Christmas, Juergen Lock and Dryice Liu have joined the ranks of the ports committers after way too many PRs. Merry Christmas and happy committing to both of them!

New ports committer: Gábor Kövesdán

Gábor has been working for some time on our ports collection, especially working on the ports infrastructure during his Google Summer of Code project this summer.  His biggest mistake was to keep working and lately has been cleaning up a lot in old and abandoned projects to deprecate those ports so that they can either get the attention they need from a new maintainer that can find where the project has moved, or be removed from the ports tree.  All his work has now been punished with a ports commit bit and to make matters worse, I’m his mentor.  He’ll need all the luck he can get!

New ports committer: Nicola Vitale

Another long-time contributor bites the dust. Thanks to his involvement with various Python, web, and math related ports, we have decided to punish him in the usual manner. He will be co-mentored by alexbl and clsung.

New ports committer: David Thiel

When do people learn not to send too many PRs? David Thiel made the classic mistake and received his usual punishment applied by Edwin, who will mentor him. Wish him luck!

New portmgr member: Pav Lucistnik

Portmgr is pleased to announce that Pav Lucistnik has accepted the
challenge of being a portmgr member.  Pav has been with the project for
a long time and is one of our most active committers and bug busters.
He has been working on the ports infrastructure and will now be working
with the other portmgr members on integrating infrastructure patches
and quality assurance in addition to other portmgr tasks.

Wish him luck!

Medium mead

5kg honey
7L water

Sauternes yeast
OG > 32 brix and off the scale
FG: 22,9 brix

racked 2/12-06
bottled 28/5-07

Tasting notes:
Didn’t ferment as much as expected and ended very sweet, honey tasting mead.

66. Pale fusker ale

6kg Fawcett maris otter

Mash @ 68°C for 80 min.

100g Fuggles for 60 min.
30g Fuggles for 5 min.
30g Fuggles dry-hop

WLP017 Whitbread ale
OG: 13,9 brix (1,056)
FG: 8,0 brix (1,016)
no pH adjustment, but 3 teaspoons of Burton water salts added to mash water

Racked: 25/11
Bottled: 2/12

On how airlines differ

This latest trip across Europe, has been very interesting indeed, in several ways. Even though I’ve been flying quite a lot the last few years, I still can be surprised. Both positively and negatively. It had already been an ordeal to find one-way tickets. Of course, you can buy a one-way ticket, but somehow they’ll make you pay three times as much as for a return ticket. I’m failing to see the logic here.
Scandinavian Airlines, one of the best quality european airlines only a few years ago, is showing clear signs that they’ve learned from some of the american airlines on how not to save money. Prices may have dropped slightly to attract more customers, but customer experience has went right down the drain with it. Flights are now being overbooked that passengers are requested to wait for the next flight at the gate (for a minor compensation), seats somehow could be even more cramped than RyanAir or EasyJet, and a glass of water makes you EUR 3,00 lighter, although that gives you a whole half-liter bottle. Leaving my luggage in Copenhagen while I went on to Ã…rhus, certainly did not help on my mood after that. Dear luggage, hope to see you soon.
The good thing is, that arriving home without luggage late at night, makes you find any single points of failure in your morning routine. And I found one. Although I’m positive that I should have more than one comb, I cannot find it. Shopping to do.

All of this came on top of the rather pleasant flights with Czech Airlines and Alitalia. Free food and drinks on the plane, normal sized seats and even arriving half an hour early in Milano. Well done! I thank you for letting me fly Czech Airlines and I hope you’ll see me back on board soon.

3 new ports committers

It seems our precious committers got very restless during the freeze and all of 3 new people were proposed for a commit bit.  3 is a lucky number, they say, and it certainly seems so for all 3 were given a commit bit today.  Please welcome Jeremy Chadwick, Frank Lazslo and Babak Farrokhi to the ranks of the ports committers!

On combining a head, a slice of lemon and a gold brick

After a sucessful OpenFest, Peter Pentchev, Bobson and some other people took me to the Bar at the end of the Universe. Of course, I could not resist the temptation and am now happily enjoying the aftereffects of a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster. For those of you, who are not familiar with that particular drink, let me quote from the book itself:

“The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy also mentions alcohol. It says that the best drink in existence is the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster. It says that the effect of a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster is like having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick”.
