Going away for a while, especially without any internet connection (although we did pass it at 350m distance), does not mean that you have to do less things, they just wait until you get back. I finally found some time to sort the pictures from our trip to Uganda. The story to go with them has to wait for a few more days, so watch this space!
71. Bohemian dunkel
1,9kg pilsner malt
2,4kg munich type II
50g Carafa special type II
400g CaraMunich
Mash in @ 45°C
Protein rest for 15 min. @ 60°C
Saccharification rest for 60 min. @ 67°C
Mash out @ 75°C
30g Saaz for 60 min.
30g Saaz for 10 min.
OG: 11,7 brix (1.047)
FG: 6,6 brix (1.013)
racked 3/3-07
Bottled 14/4 with 172g dextrose
70: Fuskerpils II
5kg danish pilsner malt
Mash for 60 minutes 2@ 68°C
87g Hallertau for 60 min.
25g Saaz for 30 min.
25g Saaz for 10 min.
SafLager W34/70
OG: 11,8 brix (1,048)
FG: 7,2 brix (1,016)
racked 4/2
bottled 25/2
New committer: Diane Bruce
Diane has been a long time contributor, mainly to the hamradio ports, and finally ehaupt offered to mentor her and give her a well-deserved commit bit. Welcome Diane!
Sweet mead II
8kg honey
WYeast 4184 sweet mead yeast
OG: 1.126
FG: 1.029 (16,2 brix; ~12,9% ABV)
Bottled January 24, 2008
Dry mead II, with and without berries
3kg honey
WYeast 4021 Pasteur Champagne yeast
10L total
OG: 23,8 brix (1.100)
Racked to two 5L buckets and added 500g frozen mixed berries to one.
Bottled August 26:
FG: 8,2 brix ((0.992) without berries), 7,9 brix ((0.989) with berries)
69. Festival IPA
5,5kg Fawcett Maris Otter
Mash for 60 min. @ 68°C
no pH adjustment
80g EKG for 90 min.
30g EKG for 5 min.
WLP002 English Ale
OG 10,9 brix (1.044)
FG: 6,4 brix (1.013)
Racked 21/1
Bottled 11/2
68. Mild beer
5kg mild ale malt
500g Fawcett crystal 120L
Mash @ 68°C for 60 min.
100g Fuggles for 71 min.
WLP002 English Ale yeast
OG: 11.7 brix (1.047)
FG: 8.3 brix (1.024)
Racked: 13/1
Bottled: 28/1
67. Alten Fusk
3kg pilsner malt
3kg munich type II
mash for 60 min @ 67°C
pH 5.0
60g Spalt Select for 60 min.
30g Northern Brewer for 60 min.
WLP011 European Lager
OG: 15,0 brix
FG: ?
racket 7/1
bottled 21/1
After an uneventful flight on fully booked (we were only 16 on the way down) on a Fokker 100 from Amsterdam, we arrived on schedule at Billund Airport. Even though Billund is a small airport and our small plane was the only one arriving at the time, somehow it is still possible to misplace about two carts of luggage. After looking at an empty conveyor belt for about 10 minutes, I decided to look for someone at the lost+found desk. There was a clear look of “Oh no! Not again!” on her face when she saw the line of 30-40 people still around the conveyor belt. But after a bit of radioing, it was a “Oh yes! Again!” and it was all hands on deck at lost+found.
After getting my claim form filled out, I went past an obviously suprised customs officer, who clearly did not expect anyone going through customs after hanging around bagage claim for half an hour with only a laptop and a bottle of Coal Ila (who would need more than those two, anyway? :-) ). After another 20 minutes, the bus arrived and while I was putting away my coat in the bus, my phone rang. She had found my suitcase. Somehow, the luggage handlers had overlooked a compartment in the plane or misplace a couple of carts, but the luggage was all there and not still in Amsterdam. She even came out to the bus with my suitcase. By far the best service, ever! Thank you very much! I certainly hope we can have that cake you mentioned, someday ;-)