Category Archives: Droso - Page 10

OpenFest and EuroBSDCon

It’s time for the yearly conferences again. In less then 24 hours, I’ll be on my way to OpenFest which will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria. I’m still not quite sure what happened, but Peter Pentchev somehow talked me into talking a bit about OSS project management – People, Teams, Roles, Hats from a portmgr viewpoint.

Next week it will be on to Milan, Italy, for EuroBSDCon. Both Mark Linimon and me will be there as portmgr members, so I guess one of us will have to sing and dance a bit at the devsummit, but after that I can just sit back and enjoy the ride, or talks in this case.

All hail xsltproc!

My site and also have for a long time beer running AxKit. AxKit turned into a major burden to keep running and when I changed from apache 1.3.x to 2.0.x, I even had to make pass it through mod_proxy to an apache 1.3.x that was running after that to keep it alive. I couldn’t get it to work with mod_perl2. After I had to reinstall koala, I didn’t want to install AxKit again. The original plan was to have a look at mod_xslt, but that was also only for apache 1.3.x, so not an option. The Brix recommended xsltproc from ports/textproc/libxslt. WOW! It just worked! Not one line of the XML or XSL stylesheet needed changing, it just worked. A quick 20 line Makefile to ease installing all the files in the right places, and now I can still edit my XML and just upload plain HTML files to the webserver. No overhead of running additional modules in apache. Nothing. It just works.

koala is dead! Long live koala!

For the third time in its lifetime, koala burned down its CPU fan with the usual consequences. Fortunately, I already had been given some new hardware to reinstall to, but you know how it goes, postpone, postpone, rinse, repeat. Well, no more postponing now. After a long day yesterday and some fixes today, it looks like I got most of it working again. And of course, bigger, better, faster, more! Quite nice new hardware, dual Xeon 2.8Ghz, 3Gb RAM and 5x36Gb SCA RAID5 disks. Let’s hope this one is more stable than the old one. To say the least, I did test that the backup is working…

4 dead pigeons

Claypigeons, of course. Shooting claypigeons as teambuilding was quite a new idea and fun to try. The weather also was in a pleasant mood and it kept dry until we came home. Almost. But most surprisingly, I actually managed to hit a claypigeon. Pulverized it. And then one more. And one more. An finally a fourth. Now I’m not going to tell 4 out of how many, but don’t count on winning the war if you send me out in the field :)

New ports committer: Alexander Botero-Lowry

It’s been a while since the last new committer was added, but it’s that time of the year again, so please welcome Alexander Botero-Lowry to the ranks of the ports committers. Novel@ has been so kind to punish him for all his PRs and amongst other things. Unfortunately for Alexander, the ports freeze for the 6.2 release will soon be upon us, so he’s bound for a slow start. Wish him luck!

Heat wave victems

The so-called heat wave the last few weeks here in Denmark, with nice comfortable temperatures of just below 30°C, has caused another couple of victems. Last Saturday, I noticed a disk began to log errors and files started to disappear. I quickly remounted the drive as read-only to save as much of the data I could and bought a new disk, which I got yesterday. After I pulled down the box from its hidingplace, it turned out it was too hot to handle. Not a good sign. It turned out that the PSU fan had stopped working and the box was completely overheated. Luckily only one disk had failed. And luck was on my side, as I have another, almost similar, computer that I almost never use. So I pulled out the PSU and replaced it and added the new disk to try to recover as much of the data of the broken disk. The result is not pretty but it works™.

Grøn Koncert

It’s July, the grass is green, the sky is blue and it’s time for Grøn Koncert. Although it is still held at the same time of the year, it seems this year it is time to break up with some good old traditions. This year, it will be on a Saturday while it always was on Sunday in Århus before. Also, Thomas Helmig will be closing this years festival, an honour that has always been alternating between TV2 and D.A.D. The good thing is, I will be home early ;)

Only at a telco…

…is there ethernet in the kitchen.

Symposium at Træmuseet (wood museum)

Every second year, the museum for woodwork (Træmuseet – Museum for træbearbejdning) aranges a symposium with international sculptors who create a sculpture on the spot within one week. I went to have a look on how it was going yesterday, and as always when I go to visit Fins parents, they have some work for me to do. This time, they would like to see some pictures from the symposium on the site of the museum (danish – click “billeder” on the front page), so Fin took some pictures and small videos which I put on the site today. Go and have a look.

Google works in mysterious ways

SSLUUG/DKUUG had arranged to get Ole Tange, a dane working for Google, to do a presentation about Linux and Google. Christian Laursen was quick to his mail and managed to set up the same presentation for AaUUG and even found a big enough room for it on very short notice.

Unfortunately, shortly after the presentation was announced, it had to be cancelled because the legal department at Google hadn’t sanctioned it (yet). Google works in mysterious ways… Of course, I really like what they are doing with the Summer of Code, but with all the work Yahoo! has done for FreeBSD, I’m more and more thinking that Simon is right. Of course we all know that Google is slowly but certainly working behind the scenes on building a do-no-evil empire with all the new features they add just about every second day. Hey, what are those black helicopters doing outsiNOCARRIER