Monthly Archives: August 2009

110. American Pale Ale

5,1kg Pale malt
340g Munich II
230g malted wheat

pH 5,3
4ml lactic acid (6ml in sparge water)
mashed for 60 min @67°C

50g Williamette (6,6% alpha) for 60 min
15g Centennial (8,6% alpha) for 10 min
15g Cascade (4,9% alpha) for 10 min
30g Centennial for 0 min

WLP001 White Labs California Ale yeast
OG: 1.053 (13,5 %deg;brix)
FG: 1.011 (6,9 %deg;brix)
5,6% ABV

Bottled on October 25 with 88g dextrose

FreeBSD 9.0 packages and 8.0 freeze update

Earlier today, Ken Smith bumped the version of the HEAD sources to 9.0.  I have just modified the scripts to make INDEX-8 based on RELENG_8 and add support for INDEX-9 based on HEAD.  They are available for ‘make fetchindex’ now.  Mark Linimon is working on adding 9 to the pointyhat scripts, so expect the first 9-current packages to be available later this week.

Packages for the release of 8.0 have been built for i386 and amd64, with a few days to go for sparc64.  They are currently not available on the mirrors yet, but will be included on the BETA3 cd sets.  Please give them as much testing as you can.  With the first iterations of the package sets already finished, we are currently in a soft feature freeze, and if no major changes appear, we do expect to keep the freeze very short.  Although the exact date is dependent on how the release progress in general progresses, it is currently expected to start at September 14 and last for two weeks.  Please don’t hesitate to contact portmgr@ if you have any questions or doubts whether a given change would be too big for the feature freeze.

109. English IPA

6,2 kg maris otter
250g crystal 40°C
150g crystal 120°C
250g Munich II
250g wheat malt

2ml lactic acid in mash
pH 5,4
6ml lactic acid in sparge water

100g Fuggles (4,5% alpha) for 60 min
50g Fuggles (4,5% alpha) for 10 min
50g East Kent Goldings (5% alpha) at flameout

OG: 1.053 (13,2°C brix)
FG: 1.013 (7,2°C brix)
5,3% ABV

Bottled on October 4 with 80g dextrose