Yet another ports committer: Andrew Pantyukhin

Why do people never learn? Andrew Pantyukhin also sent way too many patches and has now been punished with a ports commit bit. Welcome to the team, Andrew!

New ports committer: Ion-Mihai Tetcu

One up for the romanian world domination team. Please welcome Ion-Mihai Tetcu to the team of ports committers. As always, send too many patches and you get punished.

New ports committer: Stefan Walter

Again, portmgr has granted a commit bit as punishment for someone sending too many updates and improvements to our ports tree. The victim this time is Stefan Walter. Please give him a warm welcome!

Google Summer of Code

As last year, Google is again doing a Summer of Code for students who want to work on open source projects. FreeBSD had quite a number of projects last year, and we would like to see even more this year. Have a look at the example proposals and sign up.

58. English Summer Ale #2

2500g Pale ale malt
1000g Cara-amber

Adjust pH with 2ml in mash and 7ml in sparge water.

Mash for 60 min. @ 73°C

50g East Kent Goldings for 60 min.
10g East Kent Goldings for 10 min.

WLP005 British Ale
OG: 9.0 brix (1.036)
FG: 6.3 brix (1.018)

Racked: April 25, 2006
Bottled: May 5, 2006 with 120g dextrose

57. English Pale Ale

Modified from #9

5kg pale ale malt
500g Cara-hell
400g Cara-munich

Mash for 60 min. at 68°C

50g Challenger for 60 min.
35g Challenger for 30 min.
20g Challenger for 15 min.
10g Challenger for 5 min.

WLP023 Burton Ale
OG: 12.8 brix (1.052)
FG: 7.5 brix (1.016)

Bottled Maj 22nd with 120g dextrose

Busses back on the streets

Oh the irony! Tomorrow, I’ll be working from home, so you can guess what happens. The busses are running again. Typical. Just typical.

Busses still on strike

I have no idea how they get away with paralysing a whole city for so long, but in the last seven days the city busses have operated only Wednesday. I don’t even quite understand what the bus drivers are angry about, so I really don’t think a week long strike is the way forward. Ironically, I bought a new buscard for the next half year starting, of course, the day the strikes started. Just my luck.
Luckily, it finally starts to get spring and I got my motorbike out of winterstorage yesterday. So no more begging for a ride or biking those 5km uphill myself :)

City busses on strike

The city busses are really starting to piss me off. Of the 4 workdays in this week, they are now on strike for the 3rd day. Tuesday, after I came home around 1am, I just went to work normally with one of the intercity busses and only found out I couldn’t get home after I got to work. Luckily, I could get a ride from a collegue. Wednesday, everything was fine again, but yesterday I was waiting for about 10 minutes for the bus and thought it odd I had seen no city bus whatsoever. So I checked their webpage from my phone, and lo and behold, they were on strike again. A bicycle trip followed. Today, I was clever enough to check the webpage during breakfast and send a text message to a collegue. Funny thing is that the busdrivers are public servants and are actually not allowed by law to strike. And I thought that it was only in Italy where public transport was on strike every other day…

New ports committer: Lars Balker Rasmussen

I got a new mentee. This time I was smart enough to find one in Ã…rhus, so if he makes a mistake, he can buy me beer the same night, instead of having to wait for half a year for the next conference :-)
Please welcome Lars Balker Rasmussen to the team. He has been doing way too much work on the perl Catalyst framework in our dear ports tree.