Let’s get back at the catastrophe from yesterday. This time try with a single decoction to avoid having to raise the temperature in the pot while mashing. Unfortunately, the mash got stuck again while sparging, but I managed to get 17L of wort out of it anyway.
2,5kg pale ale malt
2,5kg pale wheat malt
Mash in @ 50°C
Protein rest for 23 min @ 50°C
Single decoction with 15 min rest @ 75°C, boil for 20 min. Decoction was too thin, should have been a bit thicker.
50 min @ 70°C
30g Hallertau 60 min 2.8%
15g Hallertau 5 min 2.8%
OG: 1.058
FG: 1.012
Primary: 6 days @ 20°C
Secondary: 13 days @ 15°C
Bottled: April 22nd