Monthly Archives: May 2004

7. Oktoberfest

20040523: Märzen (Oktoberfest)

Based on Dan Temple’s Mad March Hare

My first all-grain, so let’s see how this goes.

Munich Malt Type 2 (20-25 EBC, Weyermann): 5kg
Pale Ale Malt: 1kg

20 L at 67 C for 65 min.

Sparkle with 5 L at 75 C (Note: more sparkle water next time)

Saaz 3% alpha: 60 gr for 90 min.
Saaz 3% alpha: 20 gr for 60 min. (*)
Saaz 3% alpha: 20 gr for 5 min.

) I found out there is a temperature dependend fuse int he power chord I was using which turned itself off which made the temperature drop to 65 C. I therefore gave it 30 min. extra,
although the worth made it to cooking temperature after.

DCL S-04 Dried Ale Yeast.
Filled fermentor to 23L with tap water.
Temperature 22 C
OG: 1.050

Bottled, added 100g sugar:
5x Coopers plastic 0.75L
13x Grolsch 0.45L
1x Hancock 0.75L
19x 0,33L

6. Brupacks Best Bitter


Extract hops and malt from the Brubags[tm] by adding boiling 1,5 L
and leave for approx. 20 min three times.

Add spray malt and 1,2 kg normal sugar and fill up to 23 L.
Temperature 26C, so leave to cool before adding the yeast.
OG: 1039
20:45: Yeast added at 22C

FG: 1009
Lot of yeast in the bottom. Rack to secondary fermentor.

FG: 1004
Bottled with 100g corn sugar after racking to 3. fermentor
19x 0.33
28x 0.50
2x 0.75